Tuesday, September 29, 2009

when does the corruption start?

Today I was at the gym. I'm in the family locker room (pretending to seem busy while my father once again takes FOREVER to come in get me) when I over hear this conversation between this young girl...around 7 and her mother. The young girl begins to ask her mom a questions then hesitates. "hey mom, am i... am i fat?" HOLY SHIT?! the mom of course answers no but that's not that point. She is seven and shes already begging to obsess over the perfect body factor. It's ironic because I just had a conversation with my father (sitting in BK Ha) about the American obsession over being skinny. What age does self conscious start? When a young girl opens of a teenage magazine and flips threw the pages of the articles with the inside scoop on being liked by guys, and the right things to say. When she flips threw the pages and starts the downward slope of comparing. This i believe is when the mind transfers. And as time goes by it becomes more and more of a serious case on weather or not there good enough, or pretty enough... or skinny enough... Threw the regular day you are slammed with perfect opportunities to compare your self with other people. you wake up, turn on the radio were all the songs talk about the perfect girl with certain body types, you go to high school, which is a dead zone for uniqueness and a playground of compares. you go on face book or myspace. and BAMM you compare! you search threw peoples photos and videos and want to act the way they act or look the way they do. ha don't dare to think about the unhappiness that comes with the perfect body or a model. Most models ARE NOT HAPPY.. I'm saying a good 95%. They are a object and a product, they don't have freedom, they don't have a say. but yet everyone wants to be just like her, or that girl in the magazines. Don't try and be your self, Try and look like others and fuck uniqueness. stop me if I'm wrong. but does any one else see the corruption that the media is doing to teenage mind?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

don't mind the overly self conscious intellect

Once again I'm stuck with that over load of self consciousness, that seems to be endured by the eyes of teenage girls and the approval of "men." I look in the mirror and I'm never impressed as soon a i look below my face. I seem to be obsessed over the perfect teenage body that i seem to lack. I have been blaming my luck with guys at this high school because of it. "they would like me more if i was... this or that" but it seems to have a recurring topic of my body shape. I mean my body is the only thing I can control. My skin color is unchangeable. So i think if i set goals for my self then he will like me more or she will be my friend. But iv begun to realize also is that who the fuck cares. I'm told I'm pretty , gorgeous , hot etc. quite often but the fact that i don't get the approval on the guys at my school it seems like those other people don't even matter. There like inferior to the people at my school. Which isn't true. In a way i feel like if i can get there approval then i can be considered pretty to all. blahblahblah I really don't mean to sound cocky or come off needy or odd. But its the way I'm feeling. Don't get me started about the guy i like who plays the " i don't really like you game " but insist on texting me but responding with short word answer's. fuck you. Stop playing mind games and tell me you wantt mee soo badd. Why can't guys just be like girls. Or maybe hes just not that into me. goddamn. Please wake me when my sexy hot Spanish king knocks on my door. Because as for right now i will stay dormant until he finds/text/calls or even speaks to MEEE!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

When I thought small you were my gard
you were the male who took the household charge
don't think i have forgetten who raised me
when our father wasn't permitted a key
with my stupit ways
and my imature haze
you stood by my side
and opend up my eyes wide
when yelling and screaming occured
you gave me thoes soft spoken words
"It will be ok" you reassured
when the pain you had was more endured
Don't think I wont be ok
when i encounter my own fray
you raised me to believe
to set goals and achieve
I wont let you down
my life will be renowned
even though we are now apart
our bond shall never depart